What is an Old Fashioned?

Old Fashioned

The original recipe consists of three main ingredients:

5 cl Woodford Reserve

0.5 cl sugar syrup

2 dashes of bitters

And how is the classic drink prepared?

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You want to add a twist to the classic recipe?

Old Fashioned with a Twist

Nothing could be simpler than this: you just take the classic Old Fashioned recipe and add the twist of your choice, for example:

2 cl maple syrup
2 cl chocolate liqueur
2 dashes of chocolate bitters

Or whatever twist you can come up with yourself.

Dare to do it the Mixology way?

Brûléed Orange Old Fashioned

6 cl Woodford Reserve
2 dashes of Old Time Aromatic Bitters
2 cl maple syrup
1 cinnamon stick
A little sugar
A halved orange slice and a sprig of rosemary


Cover the half orange slice with a teaspoon of sugar and caramelise the sugar with a gas burner or gas cooker.


Add the rest of the ingredients to a glass with ice and stir with the cinnamon stick.


Garnish the drink with the brûléed orange slice and sprig of rosemary.


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Soon it's time again for some good Old Fashioned Cocktails 🥃

Soon it`s time again for some good Old Fashioned Cocktails 🥃

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What are the roots of the Old Fashioned?

It is difficult to trace the origins of the first Old Fashioned as the history of the cocktail goes back to the 19th century. Cocktail historians (if you can believe such a thing exists!) are largely in agreement that the name Old Fashioned was first used in the Pendennis Club in Louisville, Kentucky. However, one very special person, in particular, is credited with helping to popularise the bourbon cocktail: Colonel James E. Pepper, who was born on the site of what is now the Woodford Reserve Distillery, brought the Old Fashioned to New York with his own bourbon and introduced it at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Woodford Reserve Bourbon is ideally suited to the Old Fashioned cocktail thanks to its smooth, yet spicy and complex taste.

Are you still missing ingredients?

Order your Old Fashioned kit or individual ingredients here!